Digital Album || Experimental Studio Bratislava – GENIUS IN THE LABYRINTH


released December 15, 2016

Mirko Krajči – Lacrymosa for violoncello and electronics
Peter Zagar – Encoded
Juraj Ďuriš – Leck mich am Arsch, Jonicu!
AidanZaal – Worship The Masters
Rudolf Pepucha – Labyrinth
Peter Machajdík – Moczart Baguettes with Bryndza
Milan Hradil – Mozart Fantasy 1

Mirko Krajči: Lacrymosa for violoncello and electronics
In this work I use the last bars written by Mozart in his life. These pass through transformations into various, many times harsh sound images. The original theme keeps returning, which brings interesting confrontations as well as harmonic stabilization. The work arcs from the beginning to the death and return to its own birth. The enhancing element is violoncello solo, which starts and ends the work. It appears also at the crucial moment, which symbolizes the death. There, it brings a gregorian chant of the same name, adapted from my older composition Sinfonia da Requiem.

Peter Zagar: Encoded
I conceived Encoded as a juxtaposition of two elements: a cloud of tones, which I produced by encoding the name MOZART in Morse code and layering the code with fluctuating time wshifts, and a bass layer giving the tone-cloud a changing harmonic dimension.

Juraj Ďuriš: Leck mich am Arsch, Jonicu!

Bonsai – audio miniature – It offers to the listeners a compact messages based on compositional procedures and means of sonic art expression

Bonsai – is not a dance
Bonsai – is not a music
Bonsai – is a resonance
Bonsai – is a walk through memory
Bonsai – is an invisible sculpture
Bonsai – is a unique form of abbreviation
Bonsai – is the art of miniaturization in the story
Bonsai – is a walk through the gardens of pictures
Bonsai – is a message
Bonsai – is the magic
Take a bit and create something new?!

The text is Latin, but if you translate it, you’ll realize it doesn’t make much sense. That’s because Mozart wrote the piece for his friend. He knew that pronunciation the Latin “lectu mihi mars,” it would sound like the German, “leck du mich im Arsch,”… The piece also incessantly repeats the word “jonicu”—that’s because, when said over and over, it sounds like the Italian vulgarism “cujoni.” You, of course, know it better in Spanish: “Cojones.”
… Difficile lectu mihi mars et jonicu, jonicu …

AidanZaal: Worship The Masters
This piece is a tribute to all giants of classical music, fragments of glitched micro samples were used to create a sculpture to worship our heroes.

Rudolf Pepucha: Labyrinth
Mozart’s greatest hits in electroacoustic Labyrinth.

Peter Machajdík: Moczart Baguettes with Bryndza
Peter Machajdík’s sonic composition ‘Moczart Baguettes with Bryndza’ was created in the second half of 2016. It is based on fragments of W.A.Mozart’s music and various recipes for Mozart balls. Using traditional orchestral sound and piano, human voice and electronics, the piece creates a unique and delicate tapestry of dramatic and emotional textures.

Milan Hradil: Mozart Fantasy 1
7 Mozart’s motives

Hudba nikdy nikoho nezachránila. Mozart to dobre vie. Ukazuje nám ako vyzerá šťastie a núti nás, aby sme naň nezabúdali… Akú váhu má hudba, ktorá neváži nič?
V podstate je každá hudba veselá. Aj keď sa rodí zo smútku – pretože ho lieči, pretože ho zmierňuje, pretože ho prekonáva… Zvuky, tóny tu nie sú len na to, aby sa páčili. Ide o jazyk, vedieť rozpovedať všetko, čo nás trápi a zaujíma…

Na počiatku bol oheň, viera a hudba. Tu niekde vzniká dokonalosť a čistota je jej požiadavkou. Stačí uvidieť pokoru, jednoduchosť a všetko zabaliť do veľkodušnosti… Nevyvíjame sa k dokonalosti, k harmonickému začleneniu do rádu prírody a vesmíru. Naším poslaním je chrániť a posilovať ho. Hudba je v tomto zmysle jedinečná a nezastupiteľná. Disponuje ohromným potenciálom tvorivosti a nekonečnou silou zrodu.

MultiArt pripravilo tématický hudobný projekt s názvom Experimental Studio Bratislava – GENIUS IN THE LABYRINTH. Čerpajúc zo skúseností a tradície kompononania “Inej hudby” už viac, ako troch generácií slovenských skladateľov, predkladáme výpoveď skupiny našich tvorcov s cieľom prispieť k tejto nadregionálnej hudobnej téme. Pripravili sme virálny album našej hudby s celosvetovým dosahom na novom pódiu, ktoré voláme internet. Sú určité očakávania, ktoré chceme naplniť v oblasti elektro-akustickej hudby a sónického artu. Ide o výpoveď našich skladateľov, ktorí nosia Mozartovu hudbu v sebe a chcú sa s ňou podeliť.
